Supporting Technology Needs During Distance Learning
During this challenging time, we want to do what we can to help ensure every child has an equal opportunity to learn. With the move to distance learning, students’ need for access to technology is greater than ever. That’s why we worked to safely prepare 25 laptops for Comp-U-Dopt to distribute to families without access to a working device at home.
Comp-U-Dopt is a Houston-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide technology access and education to underserved youth. Since 2007 they have distributed over 16,000 computers to students and families and the COIVD-19 pandemic has made this mission more critical than ever before. They take retired computers from corporations and individuals, refurbish them, load them with learning software and then distribute to families in need.
On March 18, they created a computer drive-thru for parents to pick up a WiFi capable computer free of charge. Through this program, Comp-U-Dopt has distributed nearly 1,000 computers and will continue to supply 300 computers per week to students.
Our donation is just a small part of the work that Comp-U-Dopt and donors across the Houston-area are doing to support the more than 25,000 K-12 students who are still in need of a device. To learn more about how to donate or receive a computer, visit