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Contractor HES Information

Section I

Corporate Policies

Safe Work Practices

To assist our contractors with their knowledge and understanding of Marathon Oil's safe work practices, we offer for your review pertinent copies of our HES Standards and Guidelines. They provide an insight into Marathon Oil’s basic health, environmental and safety protection rules that must be followed.

All of the below policies are framed by the our Life Critical Expectations document, as well as our Statement of HES&S Beliefs.

Why it Matters
Failure to adhere to HES&S policy can result in a contract review and potential termination.

Section II

Resource Play Safety Procedure and Field References Tools (FRTs)

Field Reference Tools

Field Reference Tools can be accessed using the following link MRO HES Tools (

Life Critical Procedures

Section III

U.S. Asset-Specific Documents

MRO periodically reviews and updates its HES standards and guidelines. This site DOES NOT contain all HES standards and guidelines. Please check with your local MRO representative to confirm that the version posted on this website is the most recent revision, or to obtain additional processes relevant to the service provided.

Please contact the MRO Representative or the asset HES team for any questions regarding Waste or Water Tracking Reports.

For Approved Disposal Sites contact the following Control Rooms:

Eagle Ford Operations Control Room



Kenedy SW – 830-583-1005

Sugarloaf Station/Pleasanton- 830-583-1017

Kenedy NE/Gonzales- 830-583-1639

Bakken Operations Control Room


Phone: 701-456-7509

Permian Operations Control Room

Phone: 575-323-9465

Oklahoma Operations Control Room


Phone: 405-730-3763 or 405-730-3764

Section IV

E.G. Asset-Specific Documents

Please note: Marathon Oil reviews and updates its HES standards and guidelines periodically. This site DOES NOT contain all of Marathon Oil's HES standards and guidelines. Please check with your local Marathon Oil representative to confirm that the Marathon E.G. Production Limited (MEGPL) documents posted on this website are the most recent revision, or to obtain additional processes relevant to the service provided.
Section V

Oil Hauler Standards and User Guide

This standard applies to crude oil, condensate, and NGL transporters and their personnel (commonly referred to as “oil haulers”) directly contracted by Marathon Oil Company and it’s wholly or majority owned subsidiaries and their owned and operated facilities (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Marathon”) in the United States and to oil haulers working for buyers or transporters under Marketing Agreements.
Section VI

Injury Case Management / XstremeMD FAQs

In the United States, Marathon Oil uses a third-party service for early intervention case management consultation for all employee and contractor work-related injuries and illnesses on Marathon Oil-operated facilities/projects. Therefore, your company representative is required to contact this third-party provider as soon as possible after a work-related injury or illness occurs while working under contract to Marathon, regardless of severity, for early intervention case management consultation. Costs associated with this third-party case management consultation service will be directly paid by Marathon Oil. However, your company remains responsible for all other costs associated with the incident (medical treatment, workers compensation administration, etc.)

At Marathon Oil, people are our greatest resource and their proper care is of utmost importance. A review of Marathon Oil employee and contractor employee incidents occurring on Marathon Oil facilities revealed inconsistencies in the procedure and diligence given to managing injuries, primarily in the early stage(s). While some of our contract partners have effective case management processes in place, many do not. Effective case management will assure proper diagnosis, first aid and medical care are provided to injured workers, regardless of employer, at the proper time, in the right way, at the right place, and by the right person(s). Key benefits of this program for Marathon Oil and your company include; consistency in timely and proper medical diagnosis and treatment, lower medical costs, reduction in days away from work, and reduction in administrative workload.

For our contract partners who contract directly with Axiom or XstremeMD for this service, this requirement will have no effect on the way you currently report and manage injuries and illnesses. We do ask that you let us know, by providing a proof of service, that you currently use Axiom as your incident case management provider by contacting the Marathon Oil Contractor Safety Coordinator.

Or, of you use an alternative case provider, the minimum case management criteria is:

  • Case Managers are available by phone 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year
  • Case Manager telephone response time is 10 minutes or less
  • Case Managers are Registered Nurses (RN), Physicians Assistants (PA-C) or Board-Certified Physicians (MD)
  • Case Manager is licensed in all states where contractors work on behalf of Marathon
  • Case Managers are contacted for all work-related injuries/illnesses regardless of severity

The XstremeMD Case Management phone number is 1-800-600-9015.

Please direct your questions to the Marathon Oil Contractor Safety Coordinator.

Section VII

Expectations for Third Party Business Partner Ethical Standards

Ethics & Accountability Matter

Marathon Oil is dedicated to upholding high ethical standards and principles throughout our operations worldwide, both in letter and in spirit. In keeping with the Company’s commitment to high ethical standards, it is important that Marathon Oil’s suppliers and other third-party business partners understand and share Marathon Oil’s commitment to ethical business conduct as described in our Code of Business Conduct.

Marathon Oil expects suppliers and other third-party business partners to understand and adhere to the standards and principles in Marathon Oil’s Code of Business Conduct when conducting business with Marathon Oil or on our behalf.

When engaging Marathon Oil personnel, all third-parties must comply with Marathon Oil’s Meals, Gifts and Entertainment Policy, which is more specific than the general guidelines contained in the Code of Business Conduct.

If you have questions or concerns about Marathon Oil’s Code of Business Conduct or Meals, Gifts and Entertainment Policy, please contact Marathon Oil's Compliance and Ethics Office via email.

Visit the integrity helpline website for more information.

Questions or Concerns?
Contact Marathon’s Business Integrity Office with any questions, or to report any issues you have observed at 877-713-8314 or at the link below.

Current Section