Working Together
Working with Marathon Oil
Shared Values
Our Global Supply Chain organization obtains goods and services from outside vendors that align with our Code of Business Conduct, and demonstrate compliance with applicable safety, environmental and transportation laws and regulations.
Successful supplier candidates should:
- Be financially viable
- Be competitive and have “value added” technical, cost or service advantages
- Be ethical, with high health, environment, safety and security standards
- Understand Marathon Oil’s business
- Follow ISO or others appropriate industry procedures and processes
- Have timely and accurate electronic invoice submission processes
Email Support
Contact us with any questions.

Required Supplier Onboarding
All new Marathon Oil suppliers are required to complete the Supplier Training Registration Form and associated video:

Have questions? We have the answers.
Please direct questions regarding your registration or invoice status to the Marathon Oil Supplier Hotline:
Phone: 866-323-1836
Email: openinvoicesupport@marathonoil.com
From the U.K., dial: 808-234-2552 (BT) or 800-068-9831 (MCL)